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10/05/2023 in Insides

Review of "Java Forum Nord" 2023: Highlights, talks and attendee feedback

Serhat Özden
Serhat Özden

Guest Author

An exciting event for the Java community

The Java Forum Nord 2023 was an absolute highlight with its 35 presentations around Java and development. Participants had the opportunity to explore topics such as Agile working, Java and more. The face-to-face meeting of the community was a special highlight for many.

Highlight talks and interesting discussions

The various speakers at the conference not only gave informative talks, but it was also exciting to meet people with similar interests. In particular, the topic of agile working was discussed as a gamechanger and culturchanger – openly, authentically and with humor. An absolute highlight was the Battle of the Enterprise Frameworks: Quarkus vs. Spring Boot, where the advantages and disadvantages of both frameworks were highlighted and discussed.

Overall, the conference offered a good variety of presentations covering a range of topics. The talks provided many best practices and industry standards with relevance to the participants’ everyday work. However, in some presentations on abstract concepts, concrete examples of their practical implementation would have been helpful. One exemplary presentation was by Zohra Zekeria on “Automated Source-Code Refactoring for Framework Migration and Vulnerability Patches”, which combined a theoretical overview with a live demonstration.

The atmosphere and feedback from participants

Some comments from our colleagues who were at Java Forum Nord with us

Despite the rain, the atmosphere was already noticeably good upon arrival. The “Niedersachsenhalle B” was fully occupied for Christina Hartmann’s keynote “Only Boys… Stereotypes in the Wild”. The programm offered an interesting mix of agile project management and Java-related talks. About the event as a whole

The speaker showed how outdated frameworks and libraries can be updated with OpenRewrite in the shortest possible time with little manual effort and a high degree of automation. She also addressed “recipes” that already exist “out of the box” for widely used frameworks. About the talk “Automated Source-Code Refactoring for Framework Migration and Vulnerability Patches”

For networking, the “Glashalle” was the ideal meeting place where participants could exchange ideas between presentations over lunch or a cup of coffee. About networking at the event


Java Forum Nord 2023, impression from a talk
Java Forum Nord 2023, Cloudogu was there too
Java Forum Nord 2023, impression from a talk
Java Forum Nord 2023, impression from the event
Java Forum Nord 2023, impression from a talk
Java Forum Nord 2023, impression from a talk