Cloudogu Glossary


Smeagol is an open-source wiki that assists with documentation in the Cloudogu EcoSystem. Careful documentation of code and configurations helps to distribute and manage knowledge within organizations. The challenge here is finding an easy way to keep the documentation up-to-date and making the documentation process a simple one for developers.

Features of Smeagol

Setting up the wiki

The wiki software manages the documentation directly on the code in the Git repository. A new entry is set up by creating a relevant smeagol.yaml file in the repository. Then, the wiki pages can be stored in the repository as text files.

Editing content via IDE

Since the content of the wiki is stored as text files in the repository, each developer can update the documentation while they are working on the code. All changes are pushed directly to the repository.

Editing via browser

With Smeagol, the content of the wiki can be viewed in a browser and edited with the included WYSIWYG editor. This way, even team members who are not working on the repository itself can still view and edit the content. When using the editor, changes are automatically committed to the repository.

Integration in CES

Smeagol is directly integrated into the Cloudogu EcoSystem toolchain. The repository browser displays all of the repositories that the user is authorized to view in the SCM-Manager.

Cloudogu EcoSystem Download

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